WI_logos_100 years

    PRESTBURY Women's Institute - Regular Activities for WI Members only

Book Club 📖 (afternoon) - Monthly
The group meets on the Tuesday afternoon following the WI monthly meeting at 2.15pm.

Evening Book Club 📖 - Monthly
Meets on the fourth Monday in the month at 7.15pm. New members are very welcome.

Wednesday Afternoon Social - Weekly
The Social Group has begun to meet again at 2pm. Come along for a chat and cup of tea.

Tai Chi - Weekly
Meet at the WI Hall every Wednesday 10.30 - 11.30am. Beginners are welcome.

Ukulele Group 🎵 - Weekly
Tuesday evenings at Prestbury Library 7pm - 8.45pm.
Starter lessons can be catered for on an individual basis to get prepared for joining the group.
A couple of spare ukuleles are available to try out on and borrow. £1.50 is charged towards room hire.

Walking Group 👣 - Monthly
Guided two to four mile local walks, weather permitting. *

Line Dancing with ballroom moves - ON HOLD at present

If members are interested in joining any of the groups or would like more details, please speak to a Committee Member or email: prestburygloswi@gmail.com